The Ironies of Life and My Manic State of Mind

I am presently doing a project translating Russian to English as a part of my job. Transliterating actually because what I do is to literally translate word by word. I am done with translating very simple Russian songs, and now, fiction. I googled it, and it's a Russian romantic comedy television film. I've not really looked at the whole script because I am still on the first couple of parts, but I have already a bird's eye view of the plot. It's a very light story about two people accidentally falling in love in a twist of fate which ended in a happy ending.

Speaking of ironies, I suddenly remembered that I have once blogged about the ironies of life, mine particularly. And I started looking for it. I realized I have written so much post in different blog sites before and it was because I forgot the password/username combinations, and that's why I would start a new one again. Or maybe during that time I was in my manic state..Just like where I am right now. I am presently in a manic state of writing. All these ideas coming in to me at once, sometimes it is difficult to keep up. ( I'm not admitting I am bipolar :))

Finally, I saw that blog and it was published in typepad account, previously I was surprised to see that I have been blogging since 2008. And that was when Friendster started the blog in social networking sites. I have one post, and that is called How Ironic Could Life Be which I reposted in my typepad account.

And so, I also found out that I have actually 12 blogs in Blogspot, 2 in and 2 in Typepad. I wanted to preserve my posts in those sites because the posts were very much important to help people reading my blogs now understand where I am coming from. And so I imported all the posts and made another blog in my paid Wordpress account. And I called it A Day in the Life of Anne, The Untold Stories because some of the posts, if not most of the posts were things that no one in my present roster of friends have read it. And the comments that I got back then were from people in the blog community that I never got to meet or have met before. So those posts and encouragements are very important to me and how I was able to manage through my darkest moments.

So here is an excerpt of How Ironic Could Life Be and if you want to read through the whole post, you can do so by clicking the link.

"Years ago, i was so depressed that i have contemplated suicide each time i got a big problem. I was such a diva that i thought every thing that happens to me was catalogued out of an episode of a soap opera.Funny how i would always stretch every issue and think that things are worse.I needed drama in my life.I was such a pessimist.Thank God i’ve overcome that phase in life.
Waking up with a numbness on your body changes the way we see life. Four days ago, i woke up with a numbness on my right face, and a pain in my arm going all the way down to my leg. The first thought i had was i may be having a stroke.Thanks to all the forwarded emails on how to determine a stroke or an attack. I remember massaging my face and trying to smile. Yes, i could still smile.So the idea of a mild stroke was out."
Feel free to read also some of my other posts. You just might stumble into some very important lessons in life.


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