In Pursuit of Happiness, Love and Wisdom

Last week, over at the Blogger's Bazaar, where I finally get to meet two of the bloggers whose fashion blogs I follow, An Apple A Day and Tastes Like Coke, I felt so overwhelmed seeing and meeting them both. I mentioned before that I cannot write anything about fashion, because I am not so into fashion. Well, i tried, but my best would not be pleasing to the eyes of the others.Thus, the fascination over the two fashion blogs.

I can say that i was truly happy. One of those moments where I feel I was genuinely happy. I wish I could be that happy all the time.

I'd like to introduce my other blog, a more detailed blog into my own personal journey on finding true happiness, love and wisdom. The reason that I did not have this public is because I am not sure people would really want to know the juicy details of my adventures or journey. But since, I think that at some point there may be something valuable you can find or learn from my experience, I can probably share it and if you think that the all the gory details there is too hot for you to handle, or too desperate or whatever,then you can just skip visiting that site. It's just something I made in preparation for a book or an ebook that I am thinking of making. Wow! Am I setting my goals up so high? I don't know. As they say, only you know your limits.

So, I am proud to introduce to you to my other blog A Day in the Life of Anne and some of the posts I have written there.

Here are some of the excerpts of my posts:

A Letter for My Future Love: A Manifestation for Finding My Soulmate

"...Looking back, had our paths not crossed, I don’t know where life will have me at this very moment. Everything with you is a new experience, a new perspective of how life is more beautiful when you learn to trust that one day, everything will be alright.

You were never the kind of person that I would meet in my everyday life. Our paths crossed in a very unconventional manner, and so I would like to think that somehow, a force stronger than us, brought the two of us together. Destiny? Fate? Maybe...."

Day 1: Tapping Into Past Hurts and Beliefs

"...This is Day 1 of my Personal Development and Attracting Love Challenge. I wanted to this challenge not solely for manifesting lasting love but also to improve myself to be able to create more love and create harmony with the people I interact with. Join me in this journey and I know you will be able to get some points and tips that you can also use on yourself.

So, now I’m on my third day listening to the Art of Love Series Online which I am by the way enjoying. Initially, I joined the week-long webinar mostly for my personal development. But as I listened to the different webinars, I realized that there is so much wisdom to it that ought to be shared with other people who may be in the same situation as I am..."

"...One of the first steps to loving ourselves is to do the things that makes you feel good,pampered, relaxed and beautiful. And so as a part of the declaration I made about spending a “me time” weekly, I went to do the things that made me feel good. 

Shopping is another feel-good thing which we women will never get tired of.  No matter how much the amount of our purchase is, the more important factor is that we are happy with our loot. I just have to go the Blogger’s Bazaar, hosted by two fashion bloggers that I follow and are my favorites, An Apple A day by Apple Anido Alagon and Tastes Like Coke by Cocaine Young-Go.

Being a bazaar lover and one-time bazaar seller, I really could not really be stopped from going there. I finally got to meet them both in person and made a few chitchats.  I was able to buy something I liked, of course I can’t really wear most of their stuff, as I do not still have the confidence and guts to wear them, so I stick to a blouse and a bracelet. All in all, I was happy with my purchase, but would have loved to have more. Unfortunately, we had a bad power interruption, which caused the atms to go offline. I literally went to all banks and atm kiosks only to find out it was also offline..."

Maybe I am being shallow, saying that these are the things that make me happy. Of course, these aren't the only things. But these are things that most people take for granted because they have the luxury of time and the money to spend on it.

I do not wish to sound vain, superficial or feel like being somebody I am not. I just want to write and be honest about how I am feeling. I just hope that through the different blogs that I have, I would be able to contribute or help in the empowerment of women.


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