6 Ways To Feed Your Soul

Have you ever felt so tired even though you just woke up? Sometimes you feel unproductive even though you have crossed out everything in your to-do list. Before you go to sleep, you feel something that you should have done during the day but could not quite think of what it is exactly that you want.
The problem maybe not what you have been doing, but what you have been neglecting. Maybe you have been starving your soul. And you might not even know it.

Feeding your soul is as essential as feeding your body. Why? Because our soul is as important as any part of our body. Starving our soul means we are living an unhappy life. It affects your  whole being.
 So how do you feed your soul? Here are 5 suggested ways to feeding your soul.

1. Stop being too busy. Or if you can’t, at least allot some time for you to clear your mind, to think or meditate every day. We all live a crazy life. Double that if you are a single parent. Finding time for yourself everyday will be challenging. A great suggestion would be to do one thing less from your regular daily to-do lists. 15 to 30 minutes a day would do much wonder for your soul than you’d ever know. You can stay longer in bed once in a while.

2.Go and find your passion.  Doing something that you love is not work. Do you feel like you are missing out important events and milestone in life? Than go and find the one thing that can keep the fire burning in your heart.  Your passion is the drive that you need to push through life.

3. Give your body a treat. Do something that would honor your body. An example is a massage. It not only relieves stressed muscles, but also makes you feel  better . Exercise. Yoga, and a simple trip to your salon or spa is one way of honoring the body you have. Nourish it with healthy and organic food. 

4. Play more. Playing is not just for children. Being playful  doesn’t mean being childish. Being playful can refresh a tired spirit. Try entertaining your friends with magic tricks, play cards or do something that would bring out the child in you. Lately, adult coloring books is the thing. Not only you get to bring out your playful and creative side, but offers great therapy wonders too. 

5. Buy something for yourself. You owe it to yourself to buy on something that you’ve wanted for. After all you work hard. You deserve a bit of luxury and pampering. A book that you’ve been wanting to read, a pair of red heels, a bag, anything as long as it is within your means. 


 6. Love. And this doesn't apply to the love between a man and a woman. Love is universal. After all love makes the world go round.

F    Feeding your soul is something that you don’t have to feel guilty of. Pick some flowers or better yet, buy that bouquet of hyacinths or tulips for yourself this week.



Photos: pixabay.com


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