Living Your Truth: How To Know When You're Disconnected from Your Authentic Self

My life has been all work these past few months. I feel like I have no more time to spare for the things that I love to do most, like blogging in this space.

I miss the days when I can freely write my thoughts without the fear of hurting or turning off people. I miss the days when I could just write without following certain rules for SEO or for anything else. When you write for work, your opinion does not matter, but what your client or client's audience wanted.

I love writing, and I believe that this is what I was born to do.

As a writer, I have worn many hats. Writing is simply not taking in an idea and spin words around it. For me, you have to immerse yourself in that world, whatever it is that you are writing about. You connect yourself to your subject, so it's like living what you are writing about. In my case, when I connect with my subject, I find it easier to write about it.

A friend asked me how I can write an article in just a few hours, or spin a podcast into an article. I told him that, if there are people who can play guitar just by listening to the music, then that's basically how I write. It's talent, man, talent. :)

On a serious note, I realized that sometimes, I immerse myself more into a particular subject than I do with others, and that's where it gets challenging for me because I find myself disconnected from my truth. So occasionally, I need to go back to this space, where I can write freely, to gain back that balance and realign myself with my truth.

The world can be just whatever we imagine it to be. That's why I find it important to be able to connect with your authenticity all the time, especially when you are in a world where everyone believes in the idea of "fake it till you make it." Yes, it could somehow be some sort of a motivation for you, but at the end of the day, it will just make you feel exhausted.

That is why I sometimes need to step back and see my life from afar as if I am a spectator of my own life. If you know me on a deeper level, you'd know that there are times that I really disconnect myself from others. That is because I am trying to re-connect with myself.

And I know that many of you hustling are somehow feeling disconnected from your truth.

Why is connecting to your truth important?

Because you only live once. 

Do you not want to live your life the way you really wanted it to be? The most that people at their deathbed regretted was not living the life they wanted. I don't want to be that. I don't want that to be you, either.

You should always go back to your truth, connect with your authentic self.

How do you know when you are disconnected from your truth?

Here are some of the signs to look out for:

1. You feel like you have to lie all the time.

Obviously, you are not living your truth. This applies to all aspect of your life. Unless you are a pathological liar, when you are trying to live a life that does not really show you for who you really are, that would bring the biggest headache for you. One lie can lead to another lie. You know that you need to sustain that lie, and that is difficult to do. Even the best liar in the world would slip up at some point.

It is only a matter of time that your secret will divulge itself.

2. You are not operating at your own pace.

Not everyone is born to hustle. Some are born to work with grace. Men, I believe are more into the hustling thing, but for us women, I say that we operate better when we do it with grace. Sometimes you need to be careful with the people you want to emulate. How they go through their life and work may not give you as much success as it did for them. Operating at a pace that is not accepted by your system will leave you feeling burnt-out. Find your own pace. Each one of us has our own time to shine.

3. You lack a sense of fulfillment even with a successful career.

Most of us are working for the sake of earning. The needs and the responsibility we have for our families sometimes overpower what we really want to do with our career and life in general. I have heard of many stories where they sacrifice their hopes and dreams to be able to provide better for their family. Let the dream live. You may sacrifice it for a period of time, but do not abandon it. The time will come that you will have the resources to pursue your personal dream.

I remember the story about the 60 yr old man who finally passed the bar exams. It isn't about getting to practice or to earn anymore. It is more about achieving a goal and making the dream come true. Lucky are those who are earning from something they are already passionate about.

So now, if you're not really living your true self, you need to realign with your truth. It is only when you are in alignment with your purpose in life that you will find fulfillment, ease of life, and pure happiness.


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