Home Away from Home: My First Airbnb Booking

So I was really looking for a solution about how to have a hassle-free, convenient and stress-free mini reunion for my family and a friend whom we have not seen in decades. I wanted it to be simple, without the frills of the “fiesta-like” reception most of us Filipinos would do to welcome our guests.

After days of banging my head thinking of the perfect venue, not that I do not want to welcome them to my house, I thought of giving Airbnb a try. It was really important for me that the area was accessible and convenient to my family. And it should also be very near to the bus station where I would meet my friend. 

I was very lucky to find a unit that was perfect for what I had in mind. The owner was also super accommodating. It made me realize that cancelling a previous booking was indeed a wise decision for me. I just wanted to make the most of my booking. 

I went there ahead of the rest of the party and I met with the owner. She gave me the keys to the unit and they just finished cleaning up the unit. I went up and had a feel of the place and prepared it for the dinner that was about to take place the next day. 

If this is the first time that you are using Airbnb, there are a few things that you might need to consider. Here’s a guide that I’ve written for you to make the best out of your Airbnb booking.
Some of the highlights of the mini reunion we had. 

Airbnb was the best thing I made in regards to hosting a simple, intimate event. I am very happy that I also found a host who was very accommodating! Of course I gave her and her place a 5 star review.  I found out that she gave a 5-star review of me too and I didn’t realize until Airbnb notified me about it. This is one of the things that’s unique about Airbnb. Giving a review to you as a renter is also a good thing to create your credibility. I know hotels don’t do that. 

So all in all, my experience with Airbnb is worth 5 stars!


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