Yehliu Geopark : Use Your Imagination But Don't Cross Boundaries


Taiwan. Taiwan.

This was one of my favorite parts of our trip to Taiwan last May 2019. I lived in Taiwan for almost 6 years but I have never been to this place. Yehliu Geopark is one of Taiwan's Nature Parks which has been featured in the National Geographic. The rock formations by itself is a phenomena. Only nature could have done such beautiful rock formations.

But since the world and the topography of the earth is ever changing, it's inevitable that these rock formation would also change. This is what I love about Taiwan, they really do take care of their nature parks.

Yehliu Geopark is located at the northern part of Taiwan, so from Taipei where our hotel was at, we had to travel for hours to reach this amazing destination. When we booked for our flight to Taipei, we decided to book for a day tour through . We even had a short misadventure before the tour as we got in to the wrong tour group. How silly of us! But when you do get to the train station where you meet in the morning to meet your tour guide, it was really some what difficult to get through to your group since most of the groups have the same itinerary, but just booked from different tour providers.

It was a windy, cool day and we just loved that spring weather!

I definitely would want to go back to Taiwan again.

More photos here.


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