Day 4: Laying Out the Details of My Dreamboard


 This is a post I wrote on August 24, 2013 in my old blog called A Day in the Life of Anne.

Some of these have already manifested and I would write an update and a photo of it.

In my other blog, I wrote about the importance of making a dream board which helps a lot in the visualization of your dreams or of the things you want. In the past, even though I participated in seminars which required us to make dream boards, I really couldn’t make one. Maybe it just shows that I was really very unsure about my life and I relied on being spontaneous.


But after reading Sarah’s blog, and with the affirmations that I get from reading her manifestations, I said to myself, why not give it a try. After all, I’ve been reading and studying a lot from life and love coaches, and one of the more important things I learned was that manifesting something to come or happen into your life takes a lot more visualizing about it positively.


So, my dream board has at least 15 photos and I will explain each of them so you can have a clearer understanding of it.


1.Taipei, Taiwan

I want to go back to the place where I spent most of my youth. Taiwan is where I had a taste of a successful career and a life. Hopefully, the present rift between the Philippines where I am now and Taiwan comes to an end. Most of us and family members with dual citizenship are actually heartbroken about the latest developments between these two countries.

In 2019, I was able to go back to Taiwan with my sister and brother-in-law when they offered visa free for tourists. 


2. Iphone (or any other top of the line mobile phone)

Obviously, I want to have a top of the line mobile phone which I can use not only for personal calls but also use the features for work. This might be one of the first things I will manifest.

This is the only gadget or connection to modern technology that I allow myself to indulge in. Second to laptops.


In 2018, I had my first iphone, the iphone 6S which I am still using until now.


3. Disneyland, Hongkong

All moms would want to bring her kids to Disneyland. I do. But more so when earlier we saw an advertisement of Disnelyland Hongkong on Disney Junior when my son, Matt exclaimed, “I want to go there! Let’s go Mom!” It was as if getting there was as easy as going to the mall. Nevertheless, I am putting that on my dream board as one of the things I want to manifest while the kids will still enjoy Mickey Mouse.


4. Pink Chanel Bag

Women, we love, love bags. I am a self-confessed bag-a-holic. Although I think I was able to get past that bag addiction, I still sweat and feel excited everytime I see a bag which I would love to have. Much like this one. A Chanel bag. Pink. I swear I used to sneak from my ex to buy a bag especially if it was the more expensive ones. When he saw me wearing it, I would just say, oh, I’ve had it for a long time and kept it hidden in my closet. I just didn’t find the time to use it yet. I think he knew I was lying.:)


5. Red Chevrolet Cruze

I don’t know why it has to be a Chevy. I mean there are other car brands out there. Maybe it has something to do in connection with a past want that wasn’t manifested. Still, I want it in red. A bit flashy, but this is a family car. And I may need someone to drive me through town. That, or I have to learn how to drive. This will take a lot of effort from me so I can get past my phobia of seating in the front seat. Is there such a phobia for that? What is it called anyway?


6.Kalanggaman Island, Palompon,Leyte

This is more closer to home. Kalnggaman Island is a paradise. This used to be a secret paradise only us locals get to enjoy. But local tourism wanted to share it to the world and one of the first international guests was MS Europa, a European cruise line which took a stop-over enroute to Malapascua, Cebu. The tourists fell in love with the place, they cancelled their Cebu leg and spent the whole day in the island and enjoyed paradise till dusk.

I think the reason why I wasn’t able to visit the place yet even though I don’t have to get on a plane, it’s because I never really had the opportunity to go. But now I changed my mindset. If you can’t find the opportunity, create one.


7. The Swiss Alps

Even before I started working online for a Swiss company, I already had a secret love affair with the breathtaking scenery of the Swiss Alps. More so when, as a part of my work and research, I have to work on breathtaking photos of this natural wonder.  It would really be so wonderful and enchanting to see the Alps up close and personal and be just blown away by it’s beauty.


8. Paris

Every romantic soul would want to see Paris and walk hand in hand with the one they love under the moon. Paris is such a romantic place for me. It is one of the places that I want to visit before my life on earth ends.


9.Beach Wedding.

Of course, I need to find the one first. And if I do hear “the call”, then I would want to be married by the beach. I love the beach. My kids too. My future love must love it too. We can have a non-traditional church rites, but, I would want to have the traditional wedding rites of my culture and maybe if my future love comes from a different culture, then we can join together both our culture’s wedding rites. We are going to be one anyway. My kids will be in the entourage of course. And so will my future stepchildren, if he has any.


10.Boracay Island, Aklan

I always had the opportunity to go to Boracay, but I never really did because of some last minute changes. Boracay is a paradise one should visit especially for us. This is one of our best beaches which we are all proud of. I just want to party and enjoy, and get drunk once in a while.


11.Modern house.

I want to live and own a new house with a modern design. I have issues about living in old, ancestral houses because of the paranormal experiences I had with not just one but three houses we have lived. It’s not that I was getting crazy trying to believe in ghost stories, but if three or more people experienced the same things, then I say it’s either mass hysteria or we’d all gone crazy.


12. Go on a Cruise

Initially, I had wanted to go on a cruise on my retirement, but I realized, will I still be able to enjoy it as much as I would if I do it now that I am younger. Of course, it would be with the most important people in my life, parents and kids. It would be a gift for them. Of course, I’d be there too. An ex is working for Princess Cruises. He may be able to give us discounts. Even for less gratuity only. LOL!


13.New York

New York, New York. Don’t you just love movies set in New York? I would love to go to New York, in autumn. I would love to feel the orange leaves gently falling on the ground lightly touching your head  like some welcoming gesture. I always feel good about watching movies with scenes like this.


14.My man.

Yes, that’s Michael Buble’s photo. I can’t really put up a picture of how my future man would look like, can I? But if the universe will grant that I manifest someone who looks a tad bit near Michael Buble’s looks, then hallellujah! I really like his latest look and I don’t even mind the beard or whatever is that called. Facial hair?  It’s kinda sexy.  But there are other qualities that I want in my man which I need to be very specific and detailed.


It’s quite long, so I made another post about him.


15. Write a book and become a motivational speaker. I have always wanted to write a book. In fact as my list indicated, I wrote my first manuscript when I was 16, but it never got published and buried under stacks of old stuff.


When I first attended the spiritual community I am a member of, I had vision. I saw myself in the middle of the stage, alone and holding a microphone. The lights was on me, so I could not see the faces of the thousands gathered. I initially thought I’d be a worship leader or a lead singer, but then lately, I started realizing that maybe, it could also mean public speaking or being a motivational speaker.


And so, there goes my dream board, detailed and laid out for the world to know and so I might have witnesses to how many of these will manifest.




Keep on making those dream boards. May your dreams come true.





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