To Blog or Not To Blog

I just started to work for an English language center and a part of my job is to blog regularly. I know I can write, I had that talent when I was still studying, but somehow after a series of childbirth, it seems like I have writer's block more often than I used to. Maybe I don't really know how to write, or maybe I just lack inspiration right now. I am thankful though that I got a job that requires me to the things that I love to do, and still get paid for it.

So what do I blog about today?Hmm.. It is a fact that the best things that you can write about are the things that are happening to you right now. Or something that comes from the heart.The only thing that crossed my mind when I was thinking about what to write was to make a list of the blessings that I had today, for things thatI should be thankful of. Life is not so perfect right now because of the financial state of most of us are in because of the recession, but it is not a reason not to be thankful for every day that we are given to live.So, let me count my blessings and be thankful for it.

1. I am thankful that today I was given the opportunity to work in a peaceful and stressless environment. And at least, I have a job.
2. I am thankful for the food delivery lady that I do not have to go out for lunch. the sun is scorching hot at noon.
3. I am thankful that we were able to close a deal for our corporate account.It means more clients, more benefits for us.
4. I am thankful that my father-in-law came to our rescue again with some problems I have at home.
5. I am thankful that this morning I was able to sit down on the Metro train. If you live in the Philippines and you're taking the train to work or to go to places, you're lucky to be able to sit down all through the ride.
6. I am thankful to wake up next to my family. Most Filipino families are separated from each other because one or two members have to go abroad to work.
7.I am thankful that my kids are still free of a cough and cold that I have since last Monday,
8. I am thankful for the free coffee in my office. Imagine if I have to buy Starbucks all the time.:)
9. I am thankful for family members who are always willing to help me out with anything and asks nothing in return.
10. Lastly, I am thankful for another opportunity to live and experience life!

Of course, I still have so many things to be thankful of. These are just a few of those things. Sometimes, I tend to be so absorbed worrying over problems that i forgot the most important thing of be thankful for the life I have because life is good. I was not born to lead a bad life.I am the captain of my life, and so it is up to me how I can live a good one

Rewritten from a blog post in Typepad in November 12, 2009.


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