A Prayer

This is a prayer that my brother composed while he was praying for his vocation. I believe that the Holy Spirit embraced him with an overflowing love that could only come from God, to comfort him in his times of loneliness and frustration.

Photo source:http://www.hem-of-his-garment-bible-study.org

You are the flame, I am the candle

My soul is the wick that holds the flame
Flicker a spark and light up my soul

I am but an instrument of your love

Indeed, in the darkness, O God
,You kindled a fire in my soulin an instant, 

a spark, 

a glimpseof which I can not still comprehend
incomparable, on this dark wide night tempests amount to suppress your light
keep your light burning, your fire , the love you've placed within my heart
Cover me, o God from the rain 
that the flame continually burn

Shield me O God from the wind that threatens to fan out the flame
Support me O God from the earth firm through the tremors and sways
Protect me O God from fiery firelest i be devoured and consumed
For your flame is not the fire that devours
your's is the light that softly glows

Unequaled in greatness yet never pressing

A wonder, how swiftly and gently it flows
Breath into me, O God,that the fire ignited engulf me in time 
keep the flame burning 

Enflame me with your enduring love
Breath into me, O God that the fire in me illumine others
let it show the way 

the way that travails through the void
Breath into me, O God
rekindle others', the weak's, the mindless'
the half burnt wicks of those that stand by
Breath onto me, O God
Especially when the flame flickers
Strengthen me in desolation
Embrace me with your inspirations
O burn me with the fire of your love
into your light melt my human form
smoldering suffering I must face, 
let me do so with delight
I await the day my humanity melts to the ground
Extinguish not the flame, this but I pray
'til the last wisp of smoke, 

the breath of my soul purifed, 

ascends to join you at last.
that your flame now ablaze



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