Zest for Life

Yes! I've got my mojo back on. I now have a zest for life once more!

It has been quite some time whn I last felt alive and it feels so great to feel vibrant once more. Many people have noticed the big change in me and some are speculating that I may be having a "secret affair". No, no, no. Now, for the first time in my life, I can finally say that I feel complete even without a man in my life.

I can sometimes get quite touchy when issues about being single at this point in my life is brought up. Yes, being single with kids is tough. But this is my choice, a choice that I carefully thought about before doing what other people think was the stupidest thing I ever did.

My high school reunion is in a few more days, and I am getting ready for it. As one of the organizers, I was able to reconnect with the teenage me. I totally forgot how it feels like to be young. I lost my teenage years so fast, motherhood came knocking at 18 for me. I did not get to experience the teenage dream, so to speak. And so, during this reunion, I plan to make the most of it and enjoy every minute of it.

The picture above shows how I looked like 20 years ago and how I look like now. There isn't much difference, really. This is when I realized that I could actually go back to the times that I was not able to enjoy.

It could really be more different now. As I aged and matured, I have extended my limitations. I mean, after all, I'm a grown up now. I can do anything I want as long as I don't compromise the respect and trust of my children.


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