Things That Make Me Smile

Recently, I read an article about Canadian author Neil Pasricha’s blog  which drew rave reviews from readers and critics. In his blog, , he wrote about things that he considered awesome. I want to do something like that, it just make us realize that our life is not all about stress, tension and fight for survival, but also something that is just plain awesome. I may not be able to start a craze and it’s not my goal to get a thousand hit, but at least it gives me something positive to do, something to steer my mind away from thinking negative thoughts.
my daughter trying her best to smile

I want to capture or re-capture moments that made me happy. And I made a list. And starting today, I will update this particular post to add whatever it is that made me smile for that day.

1.       Hearing your 2 year-old kids’ witty remarks. 
2.       Unintentionally seeing the sun setting while in a car.
3.       An unexpected “I love you”  from your children.
4.       The wonderful smell of coffee, plain brewed or gourmet.
5.       Two-year old kids talking and making stories about imaginary schoolmates which in reality are your older kids’  schoolmates.
6.       Waffles !
7.       Licking your fingers after eating a chocolate.
8.       Buying something that took you months saving money for it.
9.       Last day of school!
10.   Bubble gum – flavored ice cream
11.   Opening your presents and getting what you’ve always wanted to have.
12.   Reminiscing memories of your high school and college days.
13.   Remembering that one person in your life who first made your heart flutter.
14.   When your atm balance showed you have more money than what you expected.
15.   Smelling a perfume on somebody that reminded you of someone special.
16.   When you realized that you unintentionally helped out someone .
17.   Waking up in the morning realizing that it’s a holiday or a non-working day.
18.   Passing by your favorite shop and seeing that the items that you are saving for is still there in it’s place waiting for you to buy it.
19.   Sucking on a lollipop and finally getting into the middle where you first taste the chocolate.Yummy!
20.   Licking off the ice cream on the sides of a cone yet it drips faster than you can lick it off.
21.   Looking at old pictures of yourself , your family and friends and thinking how in the world did that hairstyle be the fad those days.
22.   Skimming through the pages of your highschool yearbook.
23.   First day of a long-planned vacation.
24.   Anticipating going home because you know your spouse is preparing something special for you.
25.   Being in a long queue in the supermarket and then  the next cashier opened and called out to you.
26.   Freebies from your favorite fast food chain.
27.   Beating your best buddy’s high score in a computer game.
28.   Buying an economy class ticket and then an upgrade to business class upon checking in.
29.   An upgrade to a suite room.
30.   Earning extra miles in your frequent flyer mileage card.
31.   Getting free movie tickets for a movie that you’ve been anticipating to watch.
32.   Your taxi driver gets you on time by going on the best shortcut without you telling him .
33.   Your taxi driver gives you your change when you least expected it.
34. Friday nights!
35. A smile from my crush! (yes, I still do have crushes, I am after all still alive!)


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