My Life in Songs

What's in a song?

Every person I know loves to sing. I do. And I bet you do too. I recently finished a Songwriting course at Coursera, but I know I won't be able to get a Statement of Completion because I have been very busy lately and wasn't able to do the quizzes on time. But I try to keep up with the video lessons and hopefully, I can still keep up until the last day of submission for the final song composition.

I wrote about song today because it's a coincidence that I started translating song verses from Russian to English as a part of my job. And it became very clear to me that it doesn't matter whether people write songs with the very simplest lyric or music. What's important is the story behind the song.

I wrote my first song when I was in my second or third year in high school and two classmates were very lucky to hear it sung by yours truly, before it becomes a hit. :). But I don't think they remember it or will they admit to hearing it.

At that time, I didn't have any formal training, but I know I already started writing poems which were never read or shown to anyone. And I can hardly remember the lyrics to the whole song. I can only remember fragments of it. And every time I remember a bit of the phrases, I can't help but laugh at the cheesy lines.Yes, I still don't know how to use the Thesaurus at that time. But I know the music by heart,And I won't bother sharing it today to save myself from further embarrassment.

I wasn't lucky enough to be given a special talent to play any musical instrument perfectly. I can play the piano, just because it was an elective in high school. And the piano pieces that I can only play are the pieces that I had at the recital (Love Theme from Flashdance by Giorgio Moroder) and a couple of practice pieces such as Blue Moon and Ode to Joy. And I can only play the major chords on an acoustic guitar, because I can't stretch my fingers or position it to the minor chords without having cramps.I envy people who can identify notes at a glance.

Songs are very important to us. It  gives balance to our lives. Couples share special songs that will remind them of the love they shared and the memories they created. I do recall sharing a special song with someone, just like everybody else. I have a song for every phase of my life, something that reminds me of the events that happened at that particular phase. I'm sure you will laugh at my selection, but here goes.

Sad to belong ( England Dan and John Ford Coley)
When I had my first boyfriend but I was in love with his best friend. The lyrics goes something like this..

  "...oh it's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along.." 

Need I say more? Hahaha!

Love of a Lifetime (Firehouse)

"...I've finally found the love of a lifetime. A love to last my whole life through.I finally found the love of a lifetime. Forever in my heart, I've finally found the love of a lifetime."

When I finally broke up with the boyfriend and ended up with the best friend. I thought I had the love of a lifetime and that's why i got pregnant with my first child. :)

And then because we thought that we would be together forever, he said the song below was a special song for us.

" There are times when i just want to look at your face, with the stars in the night.
   There are times when I just want to feel your embrace, in the cold night..
   I just can't believe that you are mine now..."

I think everybody is aware that the Philippines is a ballad-loving country. Filipino songwriters write the best romantic songs.And that's why among the three, this is my favorite.

Relationships are like songs. Any kind of relationship. The tempo may change from fast to slow, but as long as the music and lyrics are in tune with each other, everything's in perfect harmony.

A song is immortal. Relationships may end but the song won't but will remain a part of the memories created.

And so I thought, what's more important, the lyrics or the music? Both are but it doesn't really matter if your lines are cheesy and the music can only be appreciated by you.

What's important is that you relate to it. It tells your life's story..

To be continued...

Watch our for my song composition, fingers crossed I'm hoping I could get it done. :) Pressure much? I need it done by a week from now!


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