Chapter 2: Turning the Page

This is where the past ends and the future begins.

I have taken steps to change my beliefs, and the way I perceive life.

I have turned the page. A new chapter begins.

I thank God for each and every pain, every tear, every laughter and every lesson that He shown me, to manifest His love for me.

Through the years, I discovered who I am. 

I am whom God created me to be. 

I am unique. 

I am beautiful, though I have scars. 

Never perfect. 

I am flawed. 

I am vulnerable.

I am human.

I am loved. 

I have lived and I've loved.

I've laughed and I've cried.

I have died.

I've buried my past.

I am a phoenix.

I rise above the ashes.

I am healed.

And I claim all the best things to happen to me as my journey continues.

I'd like to share a song that has been an all-time favorite for me. I love this song because of its message.

Love indeed heals everything.

This is me, keeping the faith,


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