The Perfect Deviation from a Routinary Life

In my previous post, I mentioned about not letting opportunities pass and this is one post that I want to share about me trying to live the life I want.

Last week, I was asked, actually, referred to by someone , to interview dignitaries of the Rotary Club as a part of the production package. The thought of doing that, giving live interviews as the host, wasn’t something that I really wanted although I have done live hosting before. I used to host on family member’s special occasions such as debuts and weddings, aside from also rendering a song or two. 

And, I have done opening acts, such as when a local Filipino artist , Rica Peralejo –Bonifacio (nee Regina Carla Peralejo) was hired by my company in Taiwan to entertain the overseas Filipino workers , our market. I don’t know what made me say yes, I think it was the honorarium I was promised that made me swallow my shyness and just go all out for it, embarrassment and all. Lol!

With Rica Peralejo Peralta

It turned out okay I guess, people would recognize me even two days after the concert and that was it. I returned to being a wannabe. But I got the perk of talking to her casually, have dinner with, share a conversation in the ladies room and accompany her to the market with her mom Alice, where she got some of her loot, except of course a set of MAC Cosmetics which my boss’ son obligingly bought it for her from Far Eastern Department Store after she pointed her finger and said, “ooh, I want that”. Whether it was taken out from her talent fee or not, I didn’t know.

Also, there was the re-opening of the FE21 Department Store in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Again, my company was in cooperation with the marketing department of the department store chain, and so, who else would they ask to do the hosting? Yours truly, since I was the only naïve person there. I think they found me as the only person gullible enough to consent to doing it with a very minimal fee. At least I was paid this time. NT1,500.00, if my memory serves me right. Not bad for a wannabe. I just thought at that time that performing outside a department store with Starbucks as backdrop was cool! 

The other week, it was a mardi gras event, but I opted for a more neutral look, rather than go all-out in colors. I already handpicked a floral one-piece square pants (help! Fashion bloggers!) from Lemon Drops. I don’t know what the dress is called, but I changed it last minute with a black top and opted to wear slacks. It rained and I thought I might ruin the dress if I wear it because we were stationed outside.

Truth is, I really was at a loss of what to wear so I just opted for something I was comfortable with.

I was afraid my hair and makeup ( courtesy of Ms Annie of Cristina’s Salon) would smear the dress so a black top ensemble would be the right choice I guess. There were other guests who were not in mardi gras get-up anyway.

As my first time doing a live interview, I was nervous at first, almost forgetting my questions and suddenly doubting if I made the right list of questions to ask.  I am so honored and humbled by my interview with the Rotary Club’s District Governor Ed Chiongbian. He was the most accommodating and respectable person I have ever met at his level.

And so, that is the first step I took into living the life I want, the life in the total opposite of what my life had been for the past 5 years. I know there are other things that I can do and I am very much willing to do them one by one if the opportunity arises. Or better yet, I’ll create the opportunities.

With 8tv proprietor/eneral manager and cameraman.

Still keeping the faith,


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