Exploring the Uncommon: Featuring Blogs Written By Men

It's not usual that I read a blog written by a man. Most blogs by men write topics about their businesses, their skills, photography or something that they are into, sports, music or the most common of all, games, cheats and walkthroughs.

And then there are blogs that affects you, (in this case because of my personal connection to him), and there are posts that stirred up emotions in you. But when a man writes about love, especially if it points to a special someone, it melts your heart, no matter how decided you were on some things,it just changes how you think of how men really are. For someone who got hurt many times in the past, I already had a biased judgement of how men are all alike in their ways and how shallow their feelings can be.(Sorry.)

BUT, I was wrong. I admit, I judged too quickly. But can you blame me after everything that's happened to me? Something I read inspired me to write this blog, gave me a fresh perspective on some things that I have already decided to better leave it be.  Reading through his blog, I get to know him more personally, more than I knew him when the connection we had was still present.

That blog belongs to my late cousin's husband. When my cousin died, I know he was the one most hurt. As I read through his blog, there were two special women in it, my cousin May and his new love. When we first learned that he found love in another woman's arms barely 40 days after her burial, we got hurt. Doubts, questions, anger, so many emotions. I remember his answer to all those doubts we had, he said something like " does it matter how many days, or how many years should I grieve for her?", stressing out that he did loved her so much and that even her death cannot erase that fact.

For the past years, I could not really comprehend what he was trying to explain and I could not agree. But we saw how happy he and the kids have become with their new family.  And we know that May couldn't be more happier than to see her loved-ones happy. I know that they will never forget her. And that this declaration of love in his blog is what I can hold on to believe that May's memory will live on in their hearts.

God works in mysterious ways to bring people together. Sometimes, rather painful for some of us to bear. May's life story has ended when God decided to bring her home, and so is May and Angel's love story. But Angel and the kids' life story is still unfolding, and that's what's important now, the present.

Here's an excerpt from his post.

"... Yes, I mourned when you went away…
We always journey life together
Holding hands as we walk to become better
But, a shift of direction is inevitable
A road that I can’t go even when I am able
Can I ask faith why this had happened to you instead of me?
Or can I just believe that life has a purpose within me.
All of this only lead to one road that has rain
And that is a street called pain..."

Read more of it here.

Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.
- Barbara Kingsolver

Here are some blogs by men which I find teeming with passion for what they do. I read them occasionally.

My recent read is this : Do You Love Yourself?

My recent read which threw me off because...just read it so you'll know. Taking Your 9-Year Old Daughter To See Jack Johnson

My recent read which sent me laughing ..Giant Slingshots Corn and Pumpkin

My recent read : Photos From Varesse (Bildersammlung Varese) It's in German but it translates automatically if you're using Chrome. I know some of the kids here because I work for their coach, so it's my privilege to record their training logs sometimes. :) 

I know there are a lot of wonderful blogs written by men out there. And yeah, men can write better than women sometimes. Did I just say that? 

To my female co-bloggers, try reading some if you haven't yet because it is refreshing to sometimes get to know about things from their perspective.But, let's save the advice columns for women please. :)

Keeping the faith,



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