That Magic Wand of Life

We all want to have a magical day every day.

Is it even possible? Does waking up on the right or wrong side of the bed really have an impact on how our day is going to be? I don’t think this idiomatic expression holds true. How we feel waking up the next morning has more or less something to do with how we were feeling the night before.  It is very important that we take into consideration the emotions we are feeling before we go to bed.

How about having a magical day without using a spell or a special incantation? The not-so-secret secret is in knowing the magic word. The magic word is so common that sometimes we took it for granted. We use it every day, yet we do not really feel or manifest the real meaning of the word.

The magic word is “gratitude”. Or the even simpler form , “thank you.”


I am not an expert on new age thinking, or on anything, but I read, a lot. And I am glad that I have read "The Secret" series, because it did helped a lot in changing the way I think. Also, there are so many experts who really believe that gratitude is magic. And through reading, I learned the magic of these simple words. And I have started to apply what I read in the book and believe it or not, I have started to manifest magic in my life.

If you have read Rhonda Byrne series of books, then you know what I am talking about.The application of gratitude in our life can bring in all the things that we want in our life. Let me share to you some of the things I learned about gratitude.

Gratitude is the answer to almost every problem we encounter. It can heal broken relationships, not necessarily bring back your ex, but it could change a lot on how you deal and think about the relationship. It can also bring you the money you need for something.  By being grateful for all the money that you have been given throughout your life, you will attract more.

Gratitude can magically change your life, because when you apply it in your everyday life, you are making changes to yourself, so the things that you are attracting also changes.


It is not just saying thanks to favors from people, but gratitude is a way of life. Practicing it daily will have you experience radical changes in your life.  It is a feeling. Your goal in practicing gratitude is to feel it as much as you can. It must be heartfelt and sincere.


So how can we practice gratitude?  Here are ways that I know of on how we can. Some were based on the book “The Magic”.

  1. Count your blessings. And write it down.
This is so simple and powerful in changing your life. I have actually tried this one out as a suggestion of someone who tried to rescue me from a downward spiral to depression. As I was starting to feel the worthlessness of my existence, someone asked me to write 20 things I am grateful and guess what, by the time I reached 20, my mood suddenly changed as I realized that I have so much to be thankful for.
Read your list.  For every blessing you wrote, say thank you three times (thank you, thank you, thank you) and feel the gratitude coming from your heart.

  1. Take a magical walk. (Based on "The Magic's" Magic Footstep)

“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”

-Albert Einstein
 Albert Einstein showed gratitude 100 times daily, and we can do that also. His reason for it? You can google that up. J We can achieve saying thank you 100 times more easily if we take a magical walk. It is not really important that you reach 100 steps , but  we can gauge that with a 90-second walk. With every step we take, we can say thank you. I do this by the moment I wake up, I thank God for giving me another day (I started doing this after my Haiyan experience. I just got so thankful for life even more),  on my way to the bathroom , for every step, I say thank you in my mind. This also gives me a reason to walk more, so I get my daily exercise on the side.

  1. The magic pebble. ( technique adopted from the book “ The Magic”)
The magic pebble is something that we can do before going to sleep. Because I am forgetful (comes with the aging process), I have a magic pebble to help me remind myself to be grateful. Or you can get anything that you can put beside you and help you remind about something. Before I go to bed, I hold it and think about how the day had been and how I would have wanted it to go. I would also play in my mind what I want to happen the next day. If we cannot plan for one day, how do we expect to plan our future?


  1. Being thankful in advance.
When you want something from someone, isn’t it better to thank them in advance for the effort that they will be doing? I find this practical and true because once we thank someone in advance they know that all the efforts that they will do for what we are asking as a favor, is appreciated and they will feel happier in making your request. Please note though that this is not intended to manipulate others into doing what you want.


  1. Thanking the people who helped you.
By merely thanking the people who have helped you in the past  or in the present, you manifest magic in your life. If you cannot personally thank the person, you can just thank them in your mind. The best thing to say to people is “Thank you, I appreciate it.” It is different when you just thank them for something and appreciating what they did. It really makes people feel good about themselves. And when people are feeling good about themselves, they tend to do and give more.

So, have I practiced these  things in my life, you ask? Yes I did. Life may not be perfect, but since I started practicing gratitude and believing in the Law of Attraction, I have started to manifest magical days. If you do not believe in any of these, you may say that it’s merely a coincidence.


I realized that the reason why I have my kids with me now, after a custody court battle, was because I never did once thought that they will not be in my care. In short, I always believe that I will have them with me.

During my court journey, I visualized that I was holding them in my hands, sleeping next to them and hearing their voice. And I was so keen on holding that vision in my mind. I was grateful to everyone of them who helped me throughout that journey. Believe me, sometimes I could not fathom the things that happened to me as though a magic wand was waved and everything happened in my favor. So I thought, if I had manifested overcoming that most difficult time in my life and be victorious, then I surely can do that in other areas of  my life.

I am still but human. There are times that I move backward, instead of moving forward. There are moments that I am filled with uncertainty. There are instances that I think of negatively of things. But because of this thing I learned about living in gratitude, I will be able to change my way of life and correct my thinking.
I always try to remember this all the time : Not practicing gratitude in life is like taking everything we have for granted. What we do not really want to do is to take for granted all the wonderful things God or the Universe is giving us.

Even Oprah has something to say about gratitude.

“Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”
— Oprah Winfrey

 And so to everyone reading my blogs, to all the people who have been a part of my life's journey, either to help me or to teach me valuable lessons in life, here's to you:


Still keeping the faith,



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