Say Hello to the New Me and My New Vanity URL

Just when I thought I've outgrown blogging...

Welcome to my new blog!
I have been blogging for quite sometime in this blog, but with a different blog title, talked or rather wrote about my experiences, transitioning from being a loving partner,  to becoming an empowered single mom, and all the challenges I encountered throughout that journey.
I had always been a melancholic writer, I can only write something that springs from being sad and lonely.  It is a bigger challenge for me to write something that would come from my being happy. I drew strength and inspiration to write from sadness.  I thought that I would be like that for a long time, until my father died.  Even with my sadness, I still could not find the words to write. I thought I lost all the passion  and the thrill of blogging. But with that, was a realization. I realized that maybe it is not only through sadness that I should write or would be able to write..

After 7 years of maintaining that blog, I have decided to finally close that chapter in my life. Although it will always be open I know that I was able to make a difference, I can write something from the happiness that I am feeling now, from the choice that I finally made for my life. The choice to become happy no matter what had happened or will happen to me tomorrow.

So, I decided to change a new name for my blog, because for me, it doesn't serve its purpose now and is not relevant anymore to what's going on in my life right now. Plus, I wanted to have it a new look, a new feel. You can still access some of my posts from that old blog here. Just go over to pages in my sidebar and click on All About Eve Diaries, if you don't want to go through back reading.
This is my rebirth,  a new chapter unfolding, new beginnings and new stories to tell.
I love my new URL by the way, a bit vain, but who cares, it's my name! Hope you like it too. 
Thank you for visiting.

Keep the faith,



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