Why I Joined A Networking Company Despite My Fear of Rejection

Yes, that's me and Bekki ! :) Glad to be a part of her JFactor Team.

I have a fear of rejection. I have been rejected so many times that the mere thought of it makes me want to puke. Rejection in love, at work , that's why I have avoided involving myself in sales. But I realized that this fear is the one that's crippling me and hindering me from achieving what it is that I want in life. I know that I have to somehow learn how to condition my mind to take rejection with a grain of salt and move on the NEXT.

I recently finished reading Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad and in it, I learned that to overcome your fear of rejection is to join a multilevel marketing company. This will not only train you with the best marketing strategies but also teach you how to overcome your fear of rejection. Most of the people that you will try to talk business with would either reject you upfront or make some lame excuses. Either way, that is being rejected.

You see I was once that other person who is approached and talked business with. I have been courted by many friends and acquaintances to join their businesses, particularly Multi-level marketing ones. NuSkin, USANA, RBC (Royale Business Club), all of these companies have made their mark in the world of Network Marketing. And I never said yes, or if I did sign up, it was just to give in to a friend's request.

But when I was approached by somebody who introduced Jeunesse to me, I got excited, because finally, there is this one company that I would be very much willing to sell and embody. I signed up instantly as a Distributor.

In my humble opinion, the way I see it, Jeunesse is more of like something that would address or give a solution to the problems women my age encounter everyday, ageing. Although there are men out there who are reps for Jeunesse, I believe that this is one company that empowers women by giving them the opportunity to be financially stable.

Photo from Jfactor Team Training Hub

Embodiment of the modern woman's problem and giving them the solution and empowerment is one thing, but the effectivity of the product is another thing. Instantly ageless is the one product that is every direct seller's bestfriend, it shows instant results. In 2 minutes, you see with your own eyes the magic that Jeunesse's Instantly ageless' do. It clearly diminishes puffiness of that hideous bags under your eyes.

Here is that viral video of Bekki Hurley having fun with Jeunesse Instantly Ageless.

But the company's flagship product is the Luminesce, a state-of-the-art product in defying all signs of ageing through stem cell technology. With constant use, stretchmarks, pockmarks, pimple marks, scars are gone. It rejuvenates and regenerates the cell and gives a youthful vitality to your skin, making you look younger.

The compensation plan is a winner. There are 6 streams of income that a Jeunesse representative would enjoy. That and a whole lot of travel incentives, which is my first reason for joining, by the way.

So, if I ever caught your interest and might want to give it a try, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Really, I am so pumped up right now and can't wait to share all of my learnings and earnings to my family and loved ones and live the life I've dreamed of.

Feeling determined and motivated,



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