The Beauty in Waiting ( How To Avoid Anxiety While Waiting)

I have already written something about The Grace in Waiting in December 2014, and that was in relation to the Advent season, but the message was about waiting for the right love and person.

Sooo, fast forward to 2017, yes, today, I am still waiting. But guess what, now,  I am waiting for a lot of things in my life. Not just for love and the right person, but also with regards to my career. I am waiting for an answer to a proposal that I sent to my client and a bigger one for my personal life.

Yesterday, while I was waiting for my friend , I decided to sit down at a coffee shop, but I didn't want to order coffee because I know I won't finish it in time when my friend arrives. So, starting to feel anxious, I remember I had my gratitude notebook or journal that I try to carry with me all the time, so I took it out and thankfully, I had brought a pen!

I started writing down the things that I was grateful for, even just for that day, and all my worries, anxiety and impatience started to fade. It's like a magic wand, that the moment you start to think about the things you are grateful for, all the negative thoughts that you have in your mind disappear.

Waiting, in fact, is one of the most challenging moments that we could go through in life. Our whole personality, our character is put to test. And if we don't have the grace to carry these moments the way it should be, we would start to get impatient. Impatience leads to anxiety. When we are anxious, we tend to think and do things that we would regret someday.

The beautiful thing about waiting is it gives us a chance to work on ourselves. Or to work on anything that is related to what we are waiting for. If it's a career move, we can work on our skills while we are waiting for the results, or work on the alternative if what we were expecting to happen won't come.

Waiting for your soulmate or for the love of your life can be as stressful as waiting for a breakthrough in your career. What you can do, however, while waiting for that special person to come into your life, is to work on yourself, not just in your physical appearance but also the psychological and emotional aspects of yourself.

Another thing that you can do while waiting for something is to be grateful. Expand your gratefulness to the most minute thing that you ever had in your life and give praise to God for it. Through this, I know nothing can go wrong.




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