Vitamin Cocktails: For Vanity or Health?

Are you one of those people skeptical of going to the doctor for vitamin shots?
Or are you one of those people who think that going to skin care experts are just vain?

Let me tell you this, vitamin shots are not bad for your body as long as it is given under a medical professional or skin care expert. And there is nothing wrong about enhancing yourself and taking care of your health.

When I reached 40, that’s when I realized that I should have taken care of my body especially my skin when I was still in my teens. A skin care expert client of mine recommend that we should teach our children to take care of their skin as early as when they reach puberty.

We know how hormones can literally ruin a good face with acne, and it can affect their self-esteem a lot. I know, my daughter had acne since she got her period. I have heard a lot of advice that it is best not to bring your teen to a lot of dermatologists before turning 18, since that is exactly the moment their hormones go wild, I still think that it doesn’t apply to when your teen’s acne is bad.

I am not a fan of habits or routines. I feel like it is boring and I am kind of forgetful, so even though I know we should have a skin care routine in the morning and at night, I just kind of forget about it, sometimes intentionally, because I feel that it was taking a lot of my time.

That was a big mistake. Being over 40, I started to see changes in my skin, especially on my face. I have Chinese and Filipino blood in me, plus a bit of all the races that occupied our country (which I know you have that too), so I have fair complexion and it has started showing freckles and sun spots.
And a lot to contribute to having bad skin is dehydration, lack of sleep and lack of exercise. This comes with my job. Kidding though! As an online professional, my work requires me to have a sedentary life. Or sometimes, no life at all, social life I mean.

So, I digress, it’s not too late to start taking care of your body. I started taking vitamins that has anti-ageing and detoxifying components. As we age, the natural suppleness of our skin is lost. I also started applying creams and moisturizers on my face and body.

I take my vitamins intravenously.  For me, this is a faster way for me to take in vitamins that my body needs. I have been doing this for almost a year and I didn’t see any side effects on my physical and mental health.

But not a lot of people will agree with me because of the connotation that if you take in things like glutathione, collagen and vitamin c, you just want to have fairer or lighter skin. If you don’t know about it yet, the whitening or lightening of the skin is just a side effect of glutathione.

According to Medical News Today, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant found in every cell in the body made up of three types of molecules called amino acids. So, really, glutathione is already living inside of us.

So the original purpose of taking in glutathione is when your liver isn’t able to produce them anymore. The whitening or lightening of your skin is just a side effect of taking it. 

I wasn’t a fan of injectibles back then. Heck, I would not even try Depo-Provera if I wanted birth control. But when I saw the effects of taking the double dose (a booster concoction of glutathione and vitamin C), I started to have it monthly. For me, it helps a lot in detoxifying. I sleep better at night and my skin is glowing.

Why choose an IV vitamin over oral supplements?

With oral supplements, we get only about 20%-50% of the absorption after it goes through the digestive system. With an IV vitamin shot or drip, the vitamins remain in your system for about 2-3 weeks.  There are a lot of vitamins that can be taken intravenously, one is the Myer’s cocktail, which is actually a mixture of magnerium, B vitamins, Vitamin C , calcium, magnesium and saline solution. Sometimes, doctors have their own mixture of vitamins to create their own cocktail.

I have not tried the Myer’s cocktail or anything that is more than the double dose of gluta and vitamin c.  But I am willing to try it if the health benefits surpass the risks.

So, the only place that I have ever gone for my doses is the CocktailsMD in Alabang. I like going there because aside from the accessibility and the friendliness of the nurses staff, ( you have to be a nurse or a nursing assistant or a skin care expert to be able to legally inject), the cocktails are affordable, but not super cheap that you’d think twice whether the vitamin is legit or not.

CocktailsMD also performs cosmetic surgery among many other treatments they provide.
So, if you are thinking about having your vitamins intravenously, then just do it, as long as you don’t faint at the sight of needles and a little blood.

Remember that nobody can stop or shame you for your choices. It is your body, you have the right to do what you think is good for you.  Do it as a form of self-care and self-love.  Take care of your body, it is the only one you have.


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