Lost in Translation : Трудности перевода

Finally, the election hullabaloo is done and over. We can get on with our lives now.

It's been a while since I last posted but I really got so very busy. It just never crossed my mind that I could actually do so much. God indeed is so great! Just when I was starting to feel depressed, He gave me so many things to do. I got very busy I forgot I was even feeling depressed!

Anyways, my title really has nothing to do with my post. It's just that I get so overwhelmed with my latest project that I don't even know how I can even finish it. Anyone dare help me? Literally, I am lost in translation. I am doing this big project of trying to transliterate the whole movie and just thinking about it makes me want to collapse. But, I have to finish it or else it's "good-bye to my favorite job".

And because I have a problem focusing on repetitive tasks, I sometimes shift my attention to something else so I don't get bored and lost interest. And this time, I shifted a bit (yes, just a bit) of my attention to my other favorite thing, learning how to cook. I've updated my cooking blog too and there are new posts which I want to share with you. There are actually four new posts and I hope you learn something from it. No matter how good you are in cooking, there is always something new to discover.

So, please check out my posts if you have the interest in cooking healthy and nutritious food.

Cooking Milestone: The Next Level
The Six Ingredients
Homemade Tomato Sauce
Breakfast: Eggs, Anyone?

Hope you learn something from it. Stay tuned for more!


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