Of Friends and Masks & Shower Bloops

As mentioned before in my previous posts, I would want to share new experiences with you. I have never attended a bridal shower before. Not that none of my friends have gotten married, I just did not accommodate all the invitations I got.

So when one of my colleague/friend suggested they would be throwing a bridal shower party for one of our friend, I got excited. It would be a first time for me. Yes, I know, at my age,I should have been to so much party of this kind. But, I'd say that I am an amateur in this kind of partying.

I don't really know what to expect in a bridal shower party. Some say it could go wilder than a stag party, depending on how imaginative and creative the organizers are.

I was just hoping that at least it was something that I can handle. At my age, I was clueless about it. So, you got me all wrong. Sure I had my moments, but I never really partied wild.

So, the much awaited day came after endless nights of searching for the perfect entertainment. We got the venue booked at The Oriental Hotel Leyte  and got a loft-type beachfront room. Since the room was already expensive, we opted to just have something light and skip the heavy meal preparations.I would discover later on that pasta carbonara and tequila don't mix well. It left me feeling a bit "uncomfortable". :)

This was a must have. 

We decided to wear mask, to create the "mysteriosa" effect. Just kidding. Of course we donned those mask to hide our faces lest we do something stupid while the "entertainment" was going on. 


Sometimes hiding behind a mask can release all our inhibitions and can be liberating. This, at the very least gives you the anonymity you need in times like this. 

I remember my sister telling me that she once organized a bridal shower party and it turned out that the "entertainment" they got was an ex-boyfriend of one of the guests. Lol! Awkward moment! That would have been so embarrassing to everyone.

We started trying out the tequila around 7. Big mistake. By the time the rest of the guests arrived, we were midway through our bottle. The "main course" arrived at around 10, guess what? I was kinda tipsy but thick-faced enough to enjoy without inhibitions. Still sober to enjoy the games though.

The loft type beachfront room of The Oriental Hotel Leyte had two restrooms, perfect for a group of ten. Cozy bed. A welcoming sight to the sleepy.

Check out how comfortable and cozy the bed was.

Here's Josephine checking out the one place we can always go to for emergencies. LOL!

I cannot post pictures and I cannot do a tell-all on what really happened that night when we all got a little bit naughtier than we already are. We all promised that what happens in room 113 stays in room 113. Besides, I fell asleep, so there's really not much to tell. Haha!

At the end of the day, I realized that it is not how much you spend determines how happy you can be. Sometimes, all it takes are good friends, good laugh and naughty secrets you share and keep until someone goes crazy and tell the whole world of it.

In the midst of our busyness, there is one place where true happiness resides, in the heart of those who stays true to themselves, laugh heartily without pretenses and live life like there's no tomorrow.

Still keeping the faith,


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