10 Places I Want to See Before I Die: My Travel Bucketlist

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."
~Saint Augustine
photo: notablequotes.com

This year, I got hit by a severe case of wanderlust.

I don’t exactly know how it started, but I just knew that this year and the following year will be a year for travelling. I am a naturally outgoing person. I mean, I think I was born with a mole in the underside of my feet (it’s an expression that we Filipinos have about being someone who cannot stay put inside the house for a long time because he always have the urge to travel).

Me and my siblings were a bunch of very sheltered kids. By that, I mean we were not allowed to go out alone, not allowed to play outside for some reasons only my grandparents knew, and that was passed on to my dad. Maybe they were afraid we might get lost or something. But I do not have any memory of playing with other children except my younger siblings which I have 5 (that made our parents think we would be okay without having other playmates), and my cousins who seldom come to visit.

I found my freedom when I turned 16, and by that time my parents were already working in another country and I was left to take care of my younger brothers and sisters. I loved the feeling of having no one to stop me from going where I want to go, from coming home at a time of my own choosing.

Photo: morefm.co.nz

And this kind of freedom became my inspiration to travel. My dream was to travel the world but then there are certain circumstances that your dreams remain just ... a dream.  After living in Taiwan for six years and travelling to the Philippines in between, and some side trips to Hongkong, I realized that I really wanted to do some more travelling because I love learning about different culture  and I love to see the sights. I am not afraid to travel alone, and i can sleep in airports if I have to, or take boatrides and ride long hours on a bus. All I need is a good book,and I can go anywhere my feet (mole, callouses and all) can take me.

What's in my travel bucketlist?

1.Paris, France

Because I am a hopeless romantic.Who doesn't want to 

visit this very romantic place anyway? 


2.Amanpulo, Palawan, Philippines 

This is by far what would make me leave everything  

behind, but this would cost more than the airfare of 

other countries in my list. A secluded    resort, paradise!                                                 

photo: kiwicollection.com


I have been working with wonderful Swiss people and I would

be more than happy to see the place which I have researched

on more than any other country although work related. Plus 

the place is really amazing!                                                   

Photo: tripadvisor.com


 I would like to see the cherry blossoms so much. Sakura season!

Photo: asiaotaku.com

5.Boracay, Philippines

 Yes, I haven't been there yet. This has been in my list ever 



6. Guam

There is a very personal reason why I want to go to this 

place and it is very close to my heart. I almost lived here, had

I not been arrogant to let an opportunity to pass. An angel 

whom I corresponded with through email for 5 years was 

inviting me to live with him in this place. We had a couple of 

missed rendezvous because of some inevitable situations 

like the September 11 attack. I just want to answer a "what if" 

question that I still think about sometimes.

photo: huffingtonpost.com

7 Kalanggaman Island, Palompon,Leyte

This is close to home, yet I have not set foot in its fine white 

sand.I want to see how the island is after Haiyan.   

Photo: Carlo Lorenzo/crispypataatkarekare.com


8. Phuket, Thailand

It is very clear that I love the beach, so Phuket is one place I 

want to see. Aside from the beach, I am interested in unique

architectural designs like the photo below. Phuket has that. 


9. Belgium

When I was in 6th grade, there was this guy who I 

corresponded with through letters. Yes, as young as that, I 

was already in for some culture exchange. We corresponded 

for 4 years and then it just stopped. I had no idea what 

happened to him. I still know his name, and if ever I get to 

this place, I will definitely look for him, just to say hello. Oh 

and castles, castles and castles!

Photo: destination360.com

10. Salzburg, Austria

Sound of Music, need I say more?

Photo: hotel-in-salzburg.com

But then again, my life took another turn and travelling became lesser and lesser. With kids growing up, it became more difficult to leave home. Now the kids are big and I feel that they are safe even when I’m away, the next hindrance is the budget. I know that you can travel on a budget but I still think of what my kids could enjoy with my travel money.

But because of the sharing economy, new alternative ways to travel have been introduced. That’s what I like about Airbnb. Airbnb connects people to unique travel experiences, at any price point in more than 34,000 cities and 192 countries.

With Airbnb I get to choose the most convenient accommodation for me that suits my budget. Because of this, I know I will be able to satisfy my wanderlust.

I don’t want to read just a page, I want the whole book. Confucius said,"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."
I think this is the best travel companion that anybody can ever have, our hearts.

I hope you enjoyed my  #MyAirbnbBucketList. What's in yours?

If you want to find out how you can have the best and unique travel experiences, sign up for Airbnb here.

Keep the faith,



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